Sunday, September 8, 2019

Week 3 Part 2

Business #1

1. BodyBuilding
4. All of the social media platforms posted on their website are well used and post actively, everyday.
5. Instagram: 09/08/2019
    Pinterest: 09/02/2019
    Twitter: 09/08/2019
    YouTube: 09/06/2019
    Facebook: 09/08/2019
6. BodyBuilding is definitely using their businesses social media extremely well. They constantly post new content on each of the social media sites which keeps the users of all platforms attentive and waiting for their next post. Their Instagram and YouTube seem like the two social media platforms they use most. 

Business #2

1. Gym Shark
4. Very active on all social media platforms with the largest following on Instagram. 
5. Instagram: 09/08/2019
    Pinterest: 09/01/2019
    Twitter: 09/08/2019
    YouTube: 09/05/2019
    Facebook: 09/04/2019
6. Gym Shark does use social media platforms effectively doing most of their sales from "influencers" on Instagram. They do post often on their other social media platforms but not compared to the attention they receive on Instagram. They don't have many subscribers on YouTube but have a dedicated follower base that purchase a lot of their gear through YouTube and Instagram.

Business #3

1. Alphalete Athletics
4. Most active on Instagram with every other day posting on other social media platforms.
5. Instagram: 09/08/2019
    Twitter: 09/06/2019
    Facebook: 09/06/2019
6. Alphalete Athletics uses social media platforms somewhat effectively due to the fact that they don't have a YouTube or a Pinterest. Although they still have a large following on Instagram, they can increase revenue if they had a YouTube channel. 

Business #4

1. Men's Health
4. Active on most social media with a new post every other day. Most of the followers are on Facebook.
5. Instagram: 09/08/2019
    Pinterest: 09/03/2019
    Twitter: 09/08/2019
    YouTube: 09/05/2019
    Facebook: 09/08/2019
6. Men's Health has a massive follower base with over 8million on Facebook. This allows their reach to potential new customers or subscribers is endless. They have followers around the world and have used social media platforms very effectively to increase revenue and/or subscriptions.

Business #5

1. Live Strong
4. Very active on all social media platforms but don't have nearly as many followers on Instagram compared to the previous businesses. 
5. Instagram: 09/07/2019
    Pinterest: 09/07/2019
    Twitter: 09/08/2019
    YouTube: 09/05/2018
    Facebook: 09/08/2019
6. Live Strong doesn't have a lot of influence on Instagram, however they have a large following on Facebook and Pinterest. I also noticed that they haven't posted a YouTube video in a year now. I believe Live Strong has focused their efforts in the social media platforms that worked effectively for them, in other words Facebook and Pinterest.


What I learned collectively from reviewing these 5 businesses and their social media sites was that there are a lot of small details involved. For example every social media platform has a specific algorithm where you can have the most reach on new or browsing people. Once those are mastered, the social media platform can be used effectively to increase the sales in specific departments just by creating a post about it. For example I noticed a lot of the Instagram pages had posts of discounts and sales that they were trying to basically get rid of product quickly. These flash sales actually can produce a lot of revenue from product that was sitting in a warehouse. 

The other main thing that I learned was that Pinterest is quite useful when it comes to finding new things to try and getting new ideas. A lot of the followers for one of the businesses was on Pinterest and they actually had extremely useful and creative ideas! I'm sure each business now knows what to post on what platform to receive the most likes while creating more sales. It was very intriguing to do a little research on these massive companies and see what they do on their social media platforms.

1 comment:

  1. I notice a lot of businesses use Instagram as their number one choice for social media sites, and I agree I love Pinterest I think it's such a great tool to use for new ideas and interacting with customers.
