Monday, December 9, 2019

Week 16 Blog Post 1:

I actually enjoyed writing the blogs the most. Although what I wrote in my blogs were interesting as well, I really believe that writing blogs is similar to brainstorming. I think I'll be starting a personal blog to keep me on track. Otherwise I also did enjoy using the social media platforms to expand my business. I learned a lot in terms of what to post and other smaller details such as google analytics to help finding my perfect target market and what they're looking for.

The social media platforms that integrate the best with a personal training business include Instagram and YouTube. I will attach a website to my Instagram and use both google analytics on my website and Instagram's business profile to monitor the results. Instagram is best for personal trainers because it's filled with potential clients that are browsing for advice or even to hire a personal trainer. These tools are extremely effective and helpful in finding out who visits my posts, what posts they spend the most time on or receive the most engagement, and therefore I can eventually provide posts that really resonate with my followers.

I think my business can spend a long period of time on social media marketing because it's a very effective method of posting content to receive exposure without a limit. The more active I am on social media, the more posts I create and like will increase the total amount of followers (potential clients) and exposure that my social media account will receive.

I will be posting everyday on Instagram starting 12/16. For the first week I will be posting a variety of content to better understand my current followers. Eventually once I find out what kind of content most people are looking for, I will start posting multiple times a day, once in the morning and once at night. This will help grow and sustain my business because I'll be able to target my audience and provide content they want to see.


  1. Sadegh, I like your idea of creating a personal blog to use for brainstorming. I agree that Instagram and YouTube would be great platforms to promote your business. Best of luck to you!

  2. Sadegh,
    Awesome ideas! I think gradually getting to know your audience while they get to know you is a great strategy. People eat up content from personal trainers on YouTube and Instagram, myself included, so I'm rooting for you!
    Keep up the great work!

  3. I also enjoyed writing blogs because it allows you to express everything you are thinking. I'm very interested in your concept of Google Analytics because from my understanding it shows the consumer traffic that is being sent to your website or any other social media platform.
