Friday, November 15, 2019

Week 13 Blog Post 1:

1. I researched the top 5 personal trainers as of 2019. They all actually use the same social media platform as their main form of overall advertising, which in this case it's Instagram. I listed their names and Instagram pages at the end of this paragraph but I just wanted to explain what I found. Throughout scrolling through hundreds of posts, all of these personal trainers actually did many key things in common. They were posting almost everyday, their content was always something new, if it was an informational video it was kept short and to the point, and finally they all had some sort of theme or flow through their posts that can be noticed just through their smaller images. They all also advertised their packages at some point or had a website in their bio where their followers can purchase any of their services.
- Ben Bruno @benbrunotraining
- Katie Crewe @katiecrewe
- Jen Widerstrom @jenwiderstrom
- Kira Stokes @kirastokesfit
- Joe Holder @ochosystem

2. Scrolling through personal trainer pages on Facebook and YouTube, the only videos or posts that really draw my attention are labelled with capital letters and/or have a short informative message. Their call to action on Facebook and YouTube is the same as in Instagram but is seen much more often. They make their packages or services readily available especially things such as diet or workout plans that are claimed to be custom per individual can easily be found by many personal trainers using these platforms. They do use imagery and it is effective to a certain extent. Sometimes the images aren't relative to the post and just show someone working out which I don't even look at the picture anymore. I wouldn't say those ads are annoying but I don't think I'm alone on this but any post that is asking me to buy or pay for something makes me less inclined to purchase from them because I already know how to do that, in other words I didn't read their post to buy something from them necessarily.

3. Comparing the impact of traditional advertising to advertising done on Social media I would notice that many things are similar yet just digitized versions of traditional advertising methods. For example Craigslist or Ebay are like the magazines you used to buy and sell things. There are many other similarities but what I like to notice is that content created now isn't really the same. Society now gets bored really quickly and therefore you cannot really post anything unnecessary because people will view your business or content as pointless or too much therefore receiving no reach. Advertising done on Social Media, although specific methods must be applied to use effectively, is much more effective in my opinion because of the amount of possibilities it can provide you as a business. Especially the fact that it's free means that if you have been a business for a long time and the word of mouth has brought you many clients then Social Media will definitely bring you even more!

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