Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Week 13 Blog Post 2:

As far as designing and implementing ads for social media using the principals of good design specifically regarding banner ads, I would use clear and concise wording, keeping it simple, aesthetic design, and making the banner ad instantly readable. Essentially regarding other social media advertisements, I will need to create a simple but eye catching advertisement that displays an example of what the results will be if you join my training program and even also giving a small but informative ad.

The sort of advertising that my business could use include any form of social media advertising really, but I believe that the most effective advertisement would be previous client statements explaining why they enjoyed my business and why they recommend others to try it. Other advertisements that can be effective are YouTube videos that display a short overview of the specific exercises to act as a teaser and have them wondering and looking forward to my training session! I believe I should use these advertisements at least once a week, slowly building a more consistent reach, then I believe posting an advertisement daily will be the best.

There are a few different formats for Facebook ads, video, photo, slideshow, carousel, and dynamic product ads. The most effective formats for my business would be video, photo, and slideshow formatted ads. The reason for this is because these types of ads each serve an effective purpose in displaying different information or products in the fitness industry. I would use photo advertisements to effectively display an outfit, supplement, or specific form for an exercise. Video formatted ads can be very effective for informational videos explaining exercises or diets. A slideshow can be very effective in displaying information and pictures of clients or exercises targeting specific areas. Again, regarding ads in general, I believe that once a week for any type of these advertisements will be the perfect amount to serve as a reminder and bring in new clients.

I have never used Instagram boost but I feel like if I used more hashtags and used a boost I'd really reach a lot of new users that I wouldn't have before.

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